Artist Testimonials

Mridangam Artist & Renowned Guru

Vid. Vasudeva Rao

With the efforts and knowledge gained during three decades of experience, in the percussion field of Carnatic Music, my disciple Vid P. Sreenivas Murthy has established an organisation and with dedication is leading it successfully which includes activities related to Carnatic classical music. I’m proud he is one among my best disciples. I wish him good success in all his future endeavours

Mridangam Artist & Renowned Guru

Vid. Anoor Ananthakrishna Sharma

It is 3 decades since I met Srinivas. When we met, he had finished Diploma and was working. He continued Mrudangam Practice. He practiced under the tutelage of Vid. Vasudeva Rao and after that he learnt from me for some time. Like this, he practiced Mrudanga and several percussion instruments and has developed his own style of playing.

Living in foreign country for some time, he came to India and founded “Guru Smruthi Kala Kendra” in 2003 and has been organizing and conducting Music programs and Purandara – Thyagaraja Aradhana. In this festival, Senior musicians and parents of students are felicitated and is appreciated by all.

He provides service to the field of music by recognizing young artists, providing them with opportunities by organizing music programs in venture with other sabhas.

Srinivas is ever ready to teach what ever he has learnt. He not only teaches excellently with the good quality of a teacher, but also provides all the tricks and tips required to be executed in a concert. Students who have learnt under his guidance are already performing on musical stages and Sabhas and gained success. He has his own band “Laya Sourabha”, which perform in an attractive and traditional manner.

May his journey in music field continue for hundred years as a good Mrudangam Vidwan, excellent teacher, mentor, and organizer. His contribution to music field is immense. I pray that almighty blesses him with all the strength and health and may he get felicitations and awards for all his services.

Vocal Artist & Renowned Guru

Vid. Smt. T. S. Vasantha Madhavi

Gurusmruthi Kala Kendra registered in 2009, is run by the noted Mridangam artist Vidwan Sreenivas Murthy P. and his musician wife, Violinist Vidushi Savithri Sreenivas. Sister-in-law Vidushi Madhura, another well-known flautist is a part of this institution. All the three experienced artists are working as a team to propagate Carnatic classical music in its dignified pure form.

The students in this Kala Kendra are given training in percussion instruments, Flute, violin and other allied areas.Though the institution was formally registered in 2009, Sreenivas Murthy and Savithri, having adopted music as their profession, were celebrating Aaradhana every year, as is the tradition in our culture. After Guru Smruthi Kala Kendra was established, the celebrations took a broader dimension, honouring senior musicians of the field, providing platform for upcoming youngsters – both local and deserving young musicians from various parts of theState, arranging quarterly programs and other such activities.

Another important step taken since 2015 is felicitating the parents of the students.Without the co operation and commitment on the part of the parents, children can never attain the desired heights. Enlisting their involvement and interest is a huge step towards theKala Kendra achieving it's goal.

The institution aspires to conduct several programs jointly with other music institutions, arrange workshops and seminars to give specialised knowledge to the candidates and extend its services to suburban places as well.

Vidwan Sreenivas Murthy has written a text book ‘LAYA SOURABHA’, detailing the procedure in which he teaches Mridangam to his students. All students of Kala Kendra follow this method. This book is also useful for students taking up the Government Exam conducted by K.S.E.E.B. This features lessons written in both English and Kannada.

To sum up, one can say with conviction, Guru Smruthi Kala Kendra is doing a great service to enrich our musical heritage and I personally wish them success in their endeavours.

Ghatam Artist

Vid. Smt. Sukanya Ramgopal

Vid. Sri Sreenivas Murthy P. is a good Mridangam artist. He also learnt and practicedGhatam for sometime and has accompanied many of the renowned artists of the State. Hestarted Guru Smruthi Kala Kendra and trained many students in Mridangam, Ghatam,Khanjira, Morcing and Konnakol.

Vid. Sri Sreenivas Murthy P. and his students participated in "Naada Pravaaha" , which was a grand celebration of the Ghatam Maestro Padmabhushan Vid. Sri Vikku Vinayakram sir's 75th birthday. Vikku sir congratulated Sreenivas Murthy and his students.

Every year Sri Thyagaraja Aradhana celebrations is a major event of the Kala Kendra. During this event he has honoured senior musicians through which his students are able to know about the great stalwarts in the field of music. Many of his students are becoming good performers. He is a sincere Guru and is doing great service to the musical field.

His family is also helping him to continue his dedication towards South Indian classical music and percussion instruments. I pray Sri Maha Periyava to bless him with more opportunities and good health to pursue his career and lead his school to a great height.

Flute Artist

Vid. H. S. Venugopal

“Gurukula” traditation holds a special position out of all art teaching traditions existing in India. Guru Parampara is the reason to preserve the existing Sanatana art form and passing it on through hands to the future generation. Though it is available to live in Gurukula system under the mentorship of the guru, it has become less due to the changing times?

A satisfactory information is that many vidwans have started their own educational institutes and are providing education to interested students.

In this context, Mrudangam Vidwan P. Srinivas Murthy’s “Guru Smruthi Kala Kendra” is one that can be named. Not only is he a competent Mrudangam artist, but he is also an excellent teacher and organizer and the work that he manages through his organization is commendable. Thyagaraja Aradha Mahotsava, Music Programs, Quarterly Music Programs in Music broadcasts have gained much importance.

In this service, Sri Srinivas Murthy’s family members actively participate. His wife Savithri Srinivas is not only an excellent violinist, but also is training many students. Vocal, Flute, Veena experts are available in their family. It is praiseworthy that they recognize and felicitate seniors who have contributed to the field of Sangeetha and Sahitya. I wish success such organizations that strive for a healthy society and make the music field rich. I pray that almighty showers his entire courtesy on them. I congratulate Srinivas Murthy and the organization who is doing such a noble cause for the society.

Vocal Artist and Guru

Vid. D. V. Nagarajan

“Guru Smruthi” – This word brings about lot of devotion in our minds. In our culture, teacher is given a very high position. Guru not only imparts knowledge. He is a force who shows the path in life and the values of life. As I know Vid. P Srinivas Murthy is providing his services in the Music field for more than 25 years, a Mrudangam teacher for more than 15 years, has made good name for him and his organisation.

He has earned glory as a senior Mrudangam artist, has provided guidance to many interested students and through Guru Smruthi Kala Kendra, he is contributing to the society in a unique way “ Kereya Neeranu Kerege Challi ”

It is praiseworthy that he not only guides his students for exams but also trains them to give stage performance.
Apart from conducting Thyagaraja-Purandaradasa Aaradhane, felicitating senior musicians and organising Quarterly programs he showed a new path to the society by felicitating parents.  I hope that all these attempts of “Guru Smruthi Kala Kendra” is successful and may he win in the field of music and become fruitful.